OPG Dragica Milutin was founded in 2013. At the very beginnings of the Dragica Milutin was primarily involved in the production of honey (multi-floral, bramble, sage) and other bee products. However, their agricultural interest expanded and they started  cultivating  different vegetables, nuts, free range chicken eggs and other products. Moreover, they have started their own production of olive oil.

Multi floral honey so-called, Dalmatian Flower is the winner of numerous honey quality awards on an international level. In 2017, it was awarded the gold diploma of the famous medal contest ZZZAGI honey and in 2018 it was awarded a silver diploma “Zlatno Ulište”.

As part of the family farm, tourists and visitors can also rent apartments. Apartments are surrounded by an untouched natural beauty and provide all of the benefits provided by rural tourism and clean sea.

The quality of the family farm Dragica Milutin has been recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Payment Agency in agriculture, fisheries and rural development and was granted financial support from the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 for the family farms’ production and scope of expansion.

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